Attention from GSA all current MAS Contractors!
If you have two or more MAS contracts with the same Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), you may be a part of MAS Consolidation Phase 3 and need to take action to get down to one contract.
Contractors who have not yet submitted a Contractor Checklist and Plan
In Phase 3, each contractor is required to provide a Phase 3 Consolidation Checklist and Plan documenting how and when they would like to consolidate to one contract. The MAS Program has established a final deadline of May 24, 2024 for submission of these plans.
Contractors who have not provided the mandatory MAS Consolidation Phase 3 Contractor Checklist and Plan by May 24, 2024 will be suspended from GSA eTools for 30 days.
– Removal of your contract information from eLibrary
– Suspension of your ability to be notified of any new opportunities in eBuy
Orders may not be placed against your Schedule contract until the mandatory MAS Consolidation Phase 3 Contractor Checklist and Plan has been provided. Additionally, any current task orders cannot receive extensions, renewals, or an exercise of options.
In addition to being suspended from GSA eTools, any additions and/or pricing modifications outside of Phase 3 will be rejected until the mandatory MAS Consolidation Phase 3 Contractor Checklist and Plan has been provided.
Contractors who remain unresponsive after the 30-day suspension in GSA eTool will subsequently have all MAS contracts under the subject Unique Entity Identifier canceled.
Upcoming Options on Non-surviving Contracts
In addition to the above, GSA does not intend to exercise the pending and/or upcoming option for those Phase 3 contract(s) identified as the non-surviving contract(s).
If you intend to consolidate SINs from your non-surviving contract, you should submit an ADD SIN modification to the surviving contract prior to the expiration date of your non-surviving contract to avoid losing coverage.
If the identified non-surviving contract(s) need to be extended due to existing BPAs, please notify your PCS/PCO immediately to ensure your contract(s) are not excluded from the option process. You will be required to submit a ‘Close Contract for New Awards’ modification to support the need for a continuous contract.