Tuesday Insight, July 23rd, 2024: Advanced Notice for MAS Refresh 22 and Upcoming Mass Modification – Including TDR Expansion

Sep 6, 2024

The General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) is planning to issue GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation 47QSMD20R0001 – Refresh # 22 and an associated mass modification (mass mod) to all existing contracts in August 2024.

NOTE: Visit the Vendor Support Center (VSC) for information specific to MAS Solicitation Refreshes, including solicitation-level SF30 attachments for all MAS solicitation refreshes.

Outlined below are the upcoming changes associated with Solicitation 47QSMD20R0001 – Refresh # 22:

A: Changes to Overall MAS Solicitation: 

  1. Implement revisions to SCP-FSS-001 Instructions Applicable to All Offerors paragraph (f) to support TDR SIN expansion and paragraph (i)(3)(ii)(F) to address Government Purchase Card (GPC) fees
  2. Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) Pilot Expansion
    1. Expand TDR to 67 SINs
  3. Add note to clause I-FSS-600, Contract Price Lists to address software attestation information
  4. Implement minor revisions to the Modification Products Price Proposal Template (PPT)
  5. Incorporate clause and provision updates, as necessary, through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2024-05 and GSAR Change 182

B: Changes to Specific Large Category, Subcategory or SIN:

  1. Facilities (B):
    1. Facilities Services Subcategory (B02): Revise SIN instructions for SIN 541690E – Energy Services
  2. Industrial Products (E):
    1. Hardware and Tools Subcategory (E04): Revise SIN instructions for SIN 332510C – Hardware Store, Home Improvement Center, Industrial or General Supply Store, or Industrial Maintenance Repair and Operations (MRO) Distributor – Catalog & SIN 332510S – Hardware Store, Home Improvement Center, Industrial or General Supply Store, or Industrial Maintenance Repair and Operations (MRO) Distributor – Store Front
    2. Industrial Products Subcategory (E05): Revise SIN instructions for SIN 325320 –

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