NASA Released Amendment 5 to the SEWP VI RFP – July 22, 2024

Jul 23, 2024

NASA Released Amendment 5 to the SEWP VI RFP yesterday evening (Mon 7/22/2024). This amendment has not changed the due date for proposals – this remains August 28th, 2024 at Noon EST.

NASA’s summary of the changes can be found at the page for SEWP VI. I have attached all new/updates files from the new solicitation package to this email, including the updated RFP, the RFP Changes document, the SF30 for the amendment. This also includes a new document with NASA’s Q&A responses to the questions submitted through the SEWP website that were due June 7th.

As NASA notes in the Q&A file, not all ~5,000 questions were answered. The attached file contains a list of the questions NASA deemed most relevant and appropriate to address. We encourage all our clients to review NASA’s responses, but we note that some important areas we have been discussing with many of you (such as any question related to UNSPSC codes) did not receive responses from NASA in this release.

Aside from the release of the Q&A, there have been a couple small (but potentially impactful) changes to the RFP:

  1. The word “commercial” has been removed from all mentions of subcontracting plans throughout the RFP, and the Q&A has clarified that Individual subcontracting plans may be submitted to satisfy this requirement for SEWP VI. If you are a large business, ESPECIALLY one submitting under category B, we recommend you reach out to our team to discuss how this change affects your SubK plan. If you are a submitting as a small business, please disregard – this will not affect your proposal.
  2. There have been adjustments made to some of the language concerning the use of affiliate, subcontractor, and/or predecessor experience as part of a proposal. If you intend to use experience from any of these types of entities to support your proposal, we encourage you to reach out to us to discuss how you might be affected by these changes.

As always, please feel free to reach out to The Gormley Group if you have any questions.

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