GSA Begins Rolling  Announcements of OASIS+ Unrestricted Awards Winners – December 2024

Dec 9, 2024

The U.S. General Services Administration’s Office of Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) Categories is pleased to announce the first rollout phase of the OASIS+ Unrestricted (UR) contract award decisions.

Awardees: The Unrestricted awardees in the first rolling contract awards process are across the six (6) domains: Technical & Engineering, Management & Advisory, Environmental, Logistics, Intelligence Services, and Research & Development.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that GSA will make the OASIS+ Unrestricted awards on a rolling basis in accordance with Solicitation Section, M.3, Basis for Awards. The solicitation states that the Government reserves the discretion to evaluate proposals and issue awards in a manner determined to be in the Government’s best interest with respect to prioritization of offers for evaluation, and award issuance in batches and/or on a rolling basis. If, following award announcements, an offeror has not been notified of their award status, their offer is still being evaluated as part of the rolling awards process. This cycle of rolling awards will continue until all awards are made. Ordering under the awarded fair opportunity pools will not be made available until after the next batch of rolling awards, which is planned to occur in the coming weeks, before the end of the calendar year.

A complete listing of all companies selected for first round rolling awards is included in announcement.  See link to download awardee list under the Attachments/Links section of the post.

Unrestricted Awards and Notices to Proceed (NTPs) are issued and sent to award recipients on the award date, December 6, 2024. Award notifications have been sent via email to offerors who have been determined successful. Awardees are reminded to ensure that their entity information is active, accurate, and complete at all times.

The NTP milestone will mark the beginning of a five-year base period of performance (PoP), and, if exercised, one five-year option period.

Offerors who have not received a successful award notification during this round, please be patient and be on the lookout for communication that will address the next steps as we continue the evaluation process.

GSA plans to reopen the OASIS+ solicitations for on-ramping in FY 2025. Prospective vendors who did not submit offers during the initial phase of OASIS+ proposal submissions that closed on October 20, 2023, are encouraged to continue working on their proposals in readiness for submission when the solicitation reopens.

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