
Trends in GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule Program – July 2024

The Gormley Group’s Sean Nulty and Andrew Sisti join host Roger Waldron on this week’s Off the Shelf  for a deep dive into current trends shaping the contract negotiations and administration under GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program. Nulty is a managing...

NASA Released Amendment 5 to the SEWP VI RFP – July 22, 2024

NASA Released Amendment 5 to the SEWP VI RFP yesterday evening (Mon 7/22/2024). This amendment has not changed the due date for proposals – this remains August 28th, 2024 at Noon EST. NASA’s summary of the changes can be found at the page for SEWP VI. I have...

NASA SEWP VI – Amendment 4 Released with Extended Deadline

Amendment 4 Issued July 18, 2024:  Revises select areas of the solicitation document. Please reference document: Amendment4-CHANGES_SEWP VI RFP 80TECH24R0001_7.18.24 for informational purposes only to see the changes to the solicitation highlighted in yellow. For the...

GSA MAS Refresh 22 – TDR Expansion SIN List

GSA - Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) Pilot Expansion to 67 new SINs Coming August 2024 Notes:  Participating in TDR is optional. However, once you decide to participate in the TDR pilot, you must continue to participate in TDR until the end of the pilot. You...

SBA Certifications Upgrade: What You Need to Know – June 2024

The SBA is upgrading how our customers apply for and manage their federal contracting certifications. What do you need to know? SBA’s certification upgrade starts in August 2024. • Initial certification applications will not be accepted during the upgrade period. •...

Ten Checkpoints - On the Way to Your GSA Schedule

Download our new step-by-step guide to learn the process for getting your own GSA Schedule!