Featured GSA and VA Schedule Information

An Overview of the FAS Catalog Platform (FCP)

In our latest video, The Gormley Group’s Andrew Sisti, Principal Consultant and GSA Systems SME, has on overview of the FAS Catalog Platform (FCP) the long-awaited replacement for the much-maligned SIP (Schedules Input Program).

Tuesday Insight, May 28th, 2024: NASA SEWP VI RFP Drops

NASA today released the SEWP VI RFP and can be found here, the current RFP submission date is July 11th, 2024 by Noon EST.  The originally estimated timeline for submission was originally planned by NASA to be 60 days, but given the newly released due date vendors...

NASA SEWP VI RFP Drops – May 23rd, 2024

NASA today released the SEWP VI RFP and can be found here, the current RFP submission date is July 11th, 2024 by Noon EST.  The originally estimated timeline for submission was originally planned by NASA to be 60 days, but given the newly released due date vendors...

GSA Announces OASIS+ Award Timeframes – April 15th, 2024

Last week, Tiffany Hixson, Assistant Commissioner of PSHC at GSA, spoke at the Coalition’s IT/Services Committee meeting. In her presentation, she provided the current schedule for OASIS+ contract awards. OASIS+ award contracts and issue Notice to Proceed (NTP) dates...

Ten Checkpoints - On the Way to Your GSA Schedule

Download our new step-by-step guide to learn the process for getting your own GSA Schedule!