
SBA Certifications Upgrade: What You Need to Know – June 2024

The SBA is upgrading how our customers apply for and manage their federal contracting certifications. What do you need to know? SBA’s certification upgrade starts in August 2024. • Initial certification applications will not be accepted during the upgrade period. •...

Key Trends in Audits and Investigations – June 2024

This week on Off the Shelf , Jonathan Aronie, partner at Sheppard Mullin, updates his leukemia journey since his last appearance on the show. He is now back to work full-time and as such the conversation quickly turns to key trends in investigations and audits. Aronie...


NASA released Amendment 3 to the SEWP VI RFP yesterday (June 24th, 2024). The deadline for proposals has been extended to 12:00 EDT, Thursday, July 25th, 2024. This is an additional two weeks beyond the original deadline of Thursday, July 11th. Other updates to...

Ten Checkpoints - On the Way to Your GSA Schedule

Download our new step-by-step guide to learn the process for getting your own GSA Schedule!