
NASA Released Amendment 6 to the SEWP VI RFP – August 6th, 2024

Amendment 6 - Revises select areas of the solicitation document. Please reference document: Amendment 6-CHANGES_SEWP VI RFP 80TECH24R0001_8.06.24 for informational purposes only to see the changes to the solicitation highlighted in yellow. For the purposes of...

Trends in GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule Program – July 2024

The Gormley Group’s Sean Nulty and Andrew Sisti join host Roger Waldron on this week’s Off the Shelf  for a deep dive into current trends shaping the contract negotiations and administration under GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program. Nulty is a managing...

NASA Released Amendment 5 to the SEWP VI RFP – July 22, 2024

NASA Released Amendment 5 to the SEWP VI RFP yesterday evening (Mon 7/22/2024). This amendment has not changed the due date for proposals – this remains August 28th, 2024 at Noon EST. NASA’s summary of the changes can be found at the page for SEWP VI. I have...

NASA SEWP VI – Amendment 4 Released with Extended Deadline

Amendment 4 Issued July 18, 2024:  Revises select areas of the solicitation document. Please reference document: Amendment4-CHANGES_SEWP VI RFP 80TECH24R0001_7.18.24 for informational purposes only to see the changes to the solicitation highlighted in yellow. For the...

GSA MAS Refresh 22 – TDR Expansion SIN List

GSA - Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) Pilot Expanded to 67 new SINs Effective August 8th, 2024 Notes:  Participating in TDR is optional. However, once you decide to participate in the TDR pilot, you must continue to participate in TDR until the end of the pilot....

Ten Checkpoints - On the Way to Your GSA Schedule

Download our new step-by-step guide to learn the process for getting your own GSA Schedule!