GSA has begun sending out emails titled “Take Advantage of Order Status – 2/2/22 Update” along with the GSA Schedule contract number of the vendor. The emails are being sent out by the GSA Advantage Order Status Team. The email will include the most recent performance of order shipping status for orders that were to be shipped the previous month and will include a percentage of the orders shipped during that time. The email will also include a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet listing all orders shipped or not provided during the specified period.
If the GSA email indicates that 100% of orders due were shipped out on-time there is no required action to be taken by the vendors. However, if less than 100% were shipped GSA will require vendors to take the following actions:
• First, review Column M – Order Status of the Excel spreadsheet provided by GSA in the email.
• Provide the status of the orders from Column M in either the EDI or PO Portal, whichever applies to you. The order status enables ordering agencies to track the location of an order at any time, from the moment the order is shipped, to the point of delivery and acceptance.
• Beginning in April 2022, contractors with 10 or more product lines not in compliance with the reporting order status requirement will be suspended from GSA Advantage and eBuy. A corrective action plan will be required to lift the suspension and make your products visible to buyers again. If an acceptable corrective action plan is not received within 90 days of suspension, your contract will be removed from GSA Advantage and eBuy.
• GSA also suggests vendors regularly login to EDI or the PO Portal and add/update status on all line items of orders placed against your contract.
The goal of the order status reporting is to keep GSA customers informed as when to expect an order and to better track the status of pending and shipped orders. GSA is taking this step to improve communication and transparency with GSA customers so they will be fully aware of the status of all ordered items. GSA is now allowing vendors to provide status on all PO Portal orders sixty days out and customers will receive email through the system of any status changes. Order status reporting is a requirement of the MAS solicitation under SCP-FSS-001, paragraph (j)(1)(xv).
GSA is also providing the following resources to help Schedule holders report order status and stay in compliance with the reporting requirements:
• Questions or concerns not addressed GSA FAQs may be directed to
• For vendors using the PO Portal, read the GSA help guide and access the GSA recorded training. For further technical support, contact the VSC help center staff at 877-495-4849 or email
• For vendors using EDI, contact for additional training and questions.
GSA is also providing PO Portal live virtual training and Q&A on February 17, 2022, at 1 p.m. (EST), and will last about 45 minutes. To join the training, please go to:
OR join by phone at (US) +1 507-944-0646 PIN: 564 649 383#
If there are any other questions call your TGG consultant or reach out to us directly at 202-833-1120 or via email at