GSA Releases MAS Refresh 23 Last Week and then Announces Advanced Notice for MAS Refresh 24 and Upcoming Mass Modification

Dec 20, 2024

GSA released MAS Schedule Refresh 23 on Wednesday, December 18th, 2024 as mass modification A887. GSA began emailing our the mass modification in batches.  So look for an email from your GSA contracting officer or specialist.  This is a mandatory modification that must be accepted by all GSA Schedule holders. The full refresh 23 is available in the SAM system now.

GSA also announced it is planning to issue MAS Refresh # 24 in January 2025. Outlined below are the upcoming MAS Schedule changes associated with the upcoming refresh:

A: Changes to Overall MAS Solicitation: 

  •  Implement various revisions to SCP-FSS-001 Instructions Applicable to All Offerors
  • Implement minor revision to the Offer and Modification Products Price Proposal Templates (PPT)
  • Transition Small Business Set-Aside (SBSA) SINs
  • Transition SBSA SINs to non-SBSA equivalent SIN where overlap exists
  • Remove the SBSA designation from unique SINs
  • Encourage the use of order-level set asides
  • Incorporate clause and provision updates, as necessary, through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2025-02 and GSAR Change 194 (except Change 187)

B: Changes to Specific Large Category, Subcategory or SIN:

  1. All Large Categories
    1. Add language to “General Information” section
  2. Office Management (A)
    1. Office Services Subcategory (A08): Revision to SIN 561320SBSA Temporary Staffing (SBSA)
    2. Office Supplies Subcategory (A09): Revision to SIN 333318SBSA Office Security Equipment and IT Products
  3. Facilities (B)
    1. Facilities Maintenance and Repair Subcategory (B01): Revision to SIN 561210FAC – Facilities Maintenance and Management
  4. Furniture and Furnishings (C)
    1. Flooring Subcategory (C01): Revision to SIN 314110 Carpet Flooring (SBSA)
    2. Household Dormitory and Quarters Furniture Subcategory (C04): Revision to SINs 337122SBSA Household, Dormitory & Quarters Furniture (SBSA) & 3FURNISH Commercial Office Furnishings (SBSA) 
    3. Miscellaneous Furniture Subcategory (C05): Revision to SINs 337122OSB Park, Recreational & Outdoor Furniture (SBSA), 337127CFSB Cafeteria and Food Service Furniture (SBSA), 337127CISB Correctional Institution Furniture (SBSA), 337127LFSB Library Furniture (SBSA), 337127TLSB Tables and Lecterns (SBSA), 337215MSB Mail Sorting and Distribution Furniture (SBSA), 337215SBSA Wall Units and Displays (SBSA), 33721RSB Remanufactured Furniture (SBSA) & 33721SBSA Storage (SBSA)
  5. Industrial Products & Services (E)
    1. Industrial Products Subcategory (E05): Revision to SIN 3331SBSA Clearing Equipment 
  6. Information Technology (F)
    1. IT Services Subcategory (F03): Revision to SIN 54151HACS Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS)
    2. IT Solutions Subcategory (F05): Revisions to subcategory/SINs 518210FM Financial Management Quality Service Management Office (FM QSMO) Core Financial Management (FM) Solutions and IT Professional Services & 518210C Cloud Computing and Cloud Related IT Professional Services
  7. Miscellaneous (G)
    1. Awards Subcategory (G01): Revision to SIN 339999ASB Awards
  8. Professional Services (H) 
    1. Marketing and Public Relations (H08): Revision to SIN 323111SBSA  Photographic Services and Solutions
    2. Technical and Engineering Services (Non IT) Subcategory: Revision to SIN 541990 All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (Non-IT)
  9. Transportation & Logistics Services (K)
    1. Package Delivery (K03): Revision to SIN 492210SB Local Courier Delivery Services

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