Program Update: OASIS+ Amendment 0003 / Proposals Due Date Extension, Additional Q&A and OSP Updates

Sep 6, 2023

On September 5, 2023, GSA’s Office of Professional Services and Human Capital Categories (PSHC) released Amendment 0003 for all six OASIS+ Request for Proposals (RFPs) on and on the OASIS+ Interact Community.

Amendment 0003

This amendment reflects several changes to the RFPs as identified in the SF 30 Continuation Sheet for each solicitation including:

  • Extending the deadline for submission of proposals. Proposals are due no later than 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on September 22, 2023.
  • Clarified multiple sections of the RFP Sections L&M based on Q&A.
  • Revised Section L. to clarify the process for claiming experience performed as a member of a joint venture.
  • Provided additional methods for Offerors to demonstrate past performance in Section L.5.6.2 when CPARS information does not exist.
  • Revised and clarified cost/price instructions, and Attachments J.P-8 and J.P-9. Added capability to edit formulas in the Cost/Price template. Offerors will need to upload/re-upload their Cost/Price template using the revised version.

Please see SF30 Continuation Sheet and RFP conformed copies in for all changes made as a result of Amendment 0003.

Questions & Answers 

The amendment includes the planned final round of responses to questions submitted during OASIS+ RFPs Q&A period that ended July 14. Please note that PSHC will not respond to all questions submitted during the Q&A period since many were duplicates and others have been addressed through amendments to the solicitations. While the formal Q&A period has closed, if you have substantive questions or concerns relating to the RFPs that you would like to send to the OASIS+ team, please send correspondence to

Additionally, given the most recent changes in Amendment 0003, some of PSHCs previously posted Q&A responses may no longer be accurate. All offerors are encouraged to read the most current version of the solicitations prior to proposal submission.

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