GSA Schedule refreshes and issuance of mass modifications will began going out October 8th, 2021. FAS contract vehicles other than Schedules will also begin issuing electronic modifications beginning on or around October 15th. The purpose of the Planned Action...
Insight Newsletter
Tuesday Insight – October 5th, 2021: A Deep Dive into the GSA MAS Schedule Program
Robin Bourne, Subject Matter Expert, Federal Acquisition, from The Gormley Group joined host Roger Waldron on this week’s Off the Shelf podcast for a deep dive into all things GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS). Bourne discussed the impact and importance of schedules...
Tuesday Insight – September 28th, 2021: GSA’s E-Commerce Portal Pilot Strategy, Opportunity to Enhance Competition
In June 2020, the General Services Administration launched an initial e-commerce portal proof-of-concept with the award of three contracts to e-marketplace platform providers for purchases below the micro-purchase threshold of $10,000. As GSA noted in announcing the...
Tuesday Insight – September 21st, 2021: Assessing Good Faith Efforts to Comply with a Small Business Subcontracting Plan
The Department of Defense (DoD), General Services Administration (GSA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) published a final rule, effective September 10, 2021, that updates the Federal Acquisition Regulation to conform to two changes regarding...
Tuesday Insight – September 7th, 2021: Agencies Are Implementing New COVID-19 Protocols for Contractors
Agencies are starting to implement and issue guidance to carry out the Biden administration’s vaccine attestation and testing protocols for onsite contractors. President Biden announced on July 29 that onsite federal contractors, as well as federal employees, must...
Tuesday Insight – August 31, 2021: What FAR Council Updates to Small Business Contracting Requirements Mean for Large and Small Business Contractors
The SBA made numerous changes to its regulations in the past year, but the FAR Council has largely failed to keep pace. Then, earlier this month, the FAR Council published three final rules to implement long-awaited changes to the FAR’s small business contracting...
Tuesday Insight – August 24th, 2021: Potential Changes to the GSA Packaged Furniture Program
BACKGROUND: In March 2021, the GSA Office of the Inspector General released the report detailing their findings after an audit of the GSA Packaged Office Furniture SIN 33721P. Since the release of that audit report, the GSA Integrated Workplace Acquisition Center that...
Tuesday Insight – August 17th 2021: FAR Council Publishes Three Final Rules Aimed at Boosting Small Business Contracting
The Federal Acquisition Regulatory (FAR) Council published three final rules on Aug. 11, 2021, amending the FAR to implement changes mandated by various National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAAs) and to homogenize the FAR with regulatory changes made by the U.S....
Tuesday Insight – August 10th, 2021: Advanced Notice for GSA MAS Solicitation Refresh 7 and Upcoming Mass Modification
The General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) is planning to issue GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation 47QSMD20R0001 - Refresh # 7 and an associated mass modification (mass mod) to all existing contracts in August, 2021....
TGG Tuesday Insight – August 3rd, 2021
GSA Gives Final Deadline for Transition from DUNS to Unique Entity ID The agency also confirmed that all current SAM registrants should have already been assigned their new identifier. The Biden administration is moving forward with the transition from a nearly...
Ten Checkpoints - On the Way to Your GSA Schedule
Download our new step-by-step guide to learn the process for getting your own GSA Schedule!