Insight Newsletter

Tuesday Insight – October 13th, 2020

DOL Publishes Guidance on Diversity Training Executive OrderOn September 22, 2020, the Trump administration issued Executive Order 13950 (the Order) prohibiting workplace training that involves “sex stereotyping” or “scapegoating.”  The Order is applicable to federal...

Tuesday Insight – October 6th, 2020

Independent Contractor v. Employee: DOL Releases Proposed Rule Clarifying Test for Classification of WorkersOn September 22, 2020, the United States Department of Labor (DOL) released a long-awaited proposed rule (the “Proposed Rule”) providing guidance for...

Tuesday Insight – September 29th, 2020

10 Tantalizing Topics Testing Procurement in the New Fiscal Year This week marked the Autumnal Equinox, and change is in the air. The leaves are beginning to fall to the ground, the morning air is turning crisp, the days are getting shorter — all signaling that we are...

Tuesday Insight – September 22nd, 2020

FPDS Reports Transition Oct 17: What are the Differences Between Standard and Ad Hoc Contract Data Reports Contract data reports capabilities are transitioning from to on October 17, 2020. At that time, the FPDS reports module will retire and...

Tuesday Insight – September 15th, 2020

Schedule Contractors must Update their Catalog to MAS by October 31, 2020 and New Monthly Office Hours REMINDER: To be in full compliance with the MAS Consolidation Mass Mod A812, all contractors must complete these two important steps: 1. Update their catalog in GSA...

Tuesday Insight – September 8th, 2020

New World of the Multiple Award Schedule Program If your awareness of GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule or MAS program stops with the year 2019 - or earlier - it’s time to give us another look. 2019 is when the world of the Multiple Award Schedules program began to morph...

Tuesday Insight – September 1st, 2020

GSA Finally Pushing Price Competition to Where it Belongs: At the Task Order Level Emily Murphy, the General Services Administration’s administrator, uttered her “famous” words during her nomination hearing before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs...

Tuesday Insight – August 25th, 2020

The Latest Trends in ProcurementThis week on Off the Shelf,  Bill Gormley, president of the Gormley Group and chair of the Coalition for Government Procurement, provides and update on current trends in the federal procurement market. Gormley focuses his comments  on...

Tuesday Insight – August 18th, 2020

DOD gets Temporary Waiver from Chinese Tech BanThe Department of Defense has been granted a temporary reprieve from a law that bans the entire government from contracting with companies that use the technology of five major Chinese companies and their subsidiaries,...

Tuesday Insight – August 11, 2020

Multi-Factor Authentication Replace Digital Certification and PIN Requirements for Signing GSA Mass ModificationsThe General Services Administration (GSA) announced the elimination of the digital certification requirement for mass modifications, which will be replaced...

Ten Checkpoints - On the Way to Your GSA Schedule

Download our new step-by-step guide to learn the process for getting your own GSA Schedule!