The General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) is planning to issue GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation 47QSMD20R0001 - Refresh # 20 and an associated mass modification (mass mod) to all existing contracts in April 2024.....
Insight Newsletter
Tuesday Insight – March 19th, 2024: GSA’s Plan for One-Stop Cloud Shop Takes Further Shape
The General Services Administration wants to bring in the entire ecosystem of companies involved in cloud computing, meaning more than just the hyperscale providers. The General Services Administration has opted to take a multiple-pool approach for its planned...
Tuesday Insight – March 12th, 2024: 6 Ways to Save Money on CMMC Certification Costs
The CMMC Proposed Rule released in December 2023 requires organizations who handle controlled unclassified information (CUI) to achieve CMMC Level 2 Certification. Over 95% of these organizations seeking Level 2 certification will be required to have an independent...
Tuesday Insight – March 5th, 2024: GSA Extends Policy Providing Schedules Inflation Relief
On February 28, 2024, GSA issued Supplement 4 to Acquisition Letter MV-22-04. The policy extends a moratorium on the enforcement of certain limitations contained in certain GSA economic price adjustment (EPA) contract clauses to December 31, 2024. In the supplement,...
Tuesday Insight – February 27th, 2024: What Would Best Value Mean for the Schedule?
As discussed two weeks ago in this FAR and Beyond blog, the General Services Administration (GSA) has proposed to amend the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA) of 1984 to adjust the statutory authority for the Federal Supply Schedule (Schedule) program by clarifying...
Tuesday Insight – February 20th, 2024: Providing Best Value Through the Multiple Award Schedule
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the codification of the General Services Administration’s Multiple Award Schedule program in the Competition in Contracting Act, CICA (it’s a ruby anniversary in case you were wondering). The MAS is the Federal Government’s...
Tuesday Insight – February 13th, 2024: GSA Marks Key Milestone in Schedules Modernization Effort
The General Services Administration’s (GSA) third attempt to modernize the catalog management system running on its Advantage! program seems to have finally hit the right mark. GSA is expanding the number of users of the new FAS Catalog Platform (FCP) after a...
Tuesday Insight – February 6th, 2024: A Contract Modification is required for Joint Ventures Awarded Prior to MAS Refresh 16
Reminder: As per mass modification A863, Joint Ventures (JV) awarded MAS contracts prior to May 19, 2023 must complete and submit a modification request via eMod to conform with the JV specific requirements outlined in MAS Solicitation Refresh 16. The modification...
Tuesday Insight – January 30th, 2024: Procurement trends at the VA
Greg Giddens, co-founder and partner at Potomac Ridge Consulting, joins Off the Shelf for a discussion of the key procurement trends at the Department of Veterans Affairs (the VA). Giddens discusses the VA’s IT and supply chain modernization efforts, including the...
Tuesday Insight – January 23rd, 2024: Concerns Over NASA’s SEWP VI Small Business Strategy Come to Surface
Concerns about NASA’s sixth iteration of its governmentwide acquisition contract known as SEWP have been bubbling underneath the surface for much of the past few months. Industry experts have quietly been wringing their collective hands over NASA’s plans for the small...
Ten Checkpoints - On the Way to Your GSA Schedule
Download our new step-by-step guide to learn the process for getting your own GSA Schedule!