GSA’s Disaster Purchasing Program allows state and local governments to buy supplies and services directly from all GSA Schedules to facilitate recovery from major disaster or facilitate disaster preparation and response. If you have any questions about the Disaster...
Insight Newsletter
Tuesday Insight – August 29, 2017
What documents make up my "GSA contract?" Award documents are not limited to a signed SF 1449. Ask your Gormley Group GSA Schedule Consultant for the list of all documents you need to maintain to complete your MAS contract file. Download Newsletter
Tuesday Insight – August 22, 2017
Upcoming Refresh to Make Transactional Data Reporting Voluntary for Pilot Schedules. On August 17, 2017 The General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) announced that it is planning to refresh Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) pilot...
Tuesday Insight, August 15, 2017
What are Mass Modifications ? A Mass Modification is an administrative process to refresh the GSA Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) solicitations with current Federal Acquisition Regulations to ensure that all GSA MAS contract holders have the same standard terms and...
Tuesday Insight – August 8, 2017
Can your Business be Missing Out on Potential Sales? Every GSA Contractor should periodically review their primary contract data listed on GSA Advantage/eLibrary and in their posted GSA Pricelist. It is important, especially in the last quarter of a government...
Tuesday Insight – August 1, 2017
GSA Publishes Plan for Identity Protection SIN - the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Office of Professional Services and Human Capital Categories (PSHC) announced that it is redefining Special Item Number (SIN) 520-20 as its official Data Breach Response and...
Tuesday Insight – July 25, 2017
DoD Increases Micro-Purchase Threshold - Effective immediately, for DoD acquisition of supplies or services funded by DoD appropriations, contracting officers and other individuals delegated micro-purchase authority shall use the following definition of...
Tuesday Insight – July 11, 2017
The General Services Administration is establishing a new Special Item Number (SIN) under Schedule 70 (Information Technology) for Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) tools. If you would like more information about this SIN and how it may work for your please...
Tuesday Insight – June 27, 2017
The General Services Administration (GSA) is accepting quotes from IT and other tech companies regarding how blockchain and automated machine learning technologies could be used to improve the agency’s Multiple Award Schedules FASt Lane program. For more...
Tuesday Insight – June 20, 2017
GSA has added five specialized SINs for IT products and services in the past two years. Call The Gormley Group, the leading GSA Schedule Consulting firm, to see whether the Multiple Award Schedule Program is right for you! Download Newsletter
Ten Checkpoints - On the Way to Your GSA Schedule
Download our new step-by-step guide to learn the process for getting your own GSA Schedule!