Attention from GSA all current MAS Contractors! If you have two or more MAS contracts with the same Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), you may be a part of MAS Consolidation Phase 3 and need to take action to get down to one contract. Contractors who have not yet...
Trends in Federal Procurement
This week Jason Miller, executive editor at Federal News Network, joins Roger Waldron, President, Coalition for Government Procurement on Off the Shelf, for a wide-ranging discussion of the policies, regulations, legislation, trends, and programs shaping the federal...
Tuesday Insight, April 23rd, 2024: FAR & Beyond: Procurement Flow-downs Can’t be One-sided!
Flow-down requirements are a unique, yet ubiquitous, feature of the federal acquisition system. Flow-down requirements impact prime contractors, subcontractors, customer agencies, contracting activities, and contracting officers. The Federal Acquisition Regulation...
GSA Solicits Industry Feedback on Multiple Award Schedule Pricing Practices
The General Services Administration has issued a request for information to solicit industry input on how to better align Multiple Award Schedule pricing with commercial practices. The issuance of the RFI comes as GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service assesses existing...
NASA SEWP VI RFP Drops – May 23rd, 2024
NASA today released the SEWP VI RFP and can be found here, the current RFP submission date is July 11th, 2024 by Noon EST. The originally estimated timeline for submission was originally planned by NASA to be 60 days, but given the newly released due date vendors...
GSA MAS Solicitation Refresh 20 Released – April 15th, 2024
The General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) April 15th, 2024 released GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation 47QSMD20R0001 – Refresh # 20 and an associated mass modification (mass mod) will follow the release so look for the GSA...
GSA Sending Out Individual Subcontracting Report (ISR) Reminders to MAS Schedule Vendors – April 2024
GSA has begun sending out reminders to all large business MAS Schedule holders that have an Individual Subcontracting plan tied to the GSA contract via email starting April 15, 2024. Per your Small Business Subcontracting plan, you are obligated to report your...
GSA Announces OASIS+ Award Timeframes – April 15th, 2024
Last week, Tiffany Hixson, Assistant Commissioner of PSHC at GSA, spoke at the Coalition’s IT/Services Committee meeting. In her presentation, she provided the current schedule for OASIS+ contract awards. OASIS+ award contracts and issue Notice to Proceed (NTP) dates...
Tuesday Insight – April 2nd, 2024: Attention VA Schedule Holders Sales Reporting Now Live under the GSA Sales Reporting Portal (SRP)
The VA announced that its transition into the Sales Reporting Portal (SRP) has gone live effective April 1, 2024. So, moving forward, all VA clients will need to report their sales via SRP similar to how GSA contract holders. In reviewing the system this morning and...
Procurement Policy Spring Cleaning Checklist – March 2024
Spring also means it is time for a Procurement Policy Spring Cleaning Checklist highlighting the key initiatives that will shape procurement operations. It is finally spring, and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom here in Washington. Day-light savings time is...
Ten Checkpoints - On the Way to Your GSA Schedule
Download our new step-by-step guide to learn the process for getting your own GSA Schedule!